The Institute for Politics and Society is holding a debate called The Art in Public Space.
The public space embodies the agreement and the shared ideological content of the company. It demonstrates the ability of a country and it’s state to develop and maintain their culture. The obligation to incorporate artwork into architecture ceased with the end of the communistic regime and then, systematic support from the capital budget has been lacking. Prague City Hall is currently taking steps to rectify this deficiency. Prague is considered an example of successful cultural strategies to other cities in the Czech Republic. In case of successful implementation Prague can become a benchmark for other Czech cities, increase its attractiveness and be more similar to the world´s metropolises. However the concept still generates many questions.
When will the binding strategy and methodology arise? What will be the budget and how will the redistribution of money work? Is there a risk of overpriced projects? How will cooperation be established between the city and residents directly affected by the location in urban areas? Who will sit on the evaluation committee? Should there be funding for the care of newly created works of art?
Adriana Krnáčová, Mayor of the City of Prague
Eliška Kaplický Fuchsová, Representative of the capital City of Prague
David Černý, Artist and Sculptor
Hana Třeštíková, Counsellor for Culture and Neighboring Relations for Prague 7
Petr Dušta, Manager of the Development Team, Skanska
The debate will take place on 28th February 2018 from 18:00 in the Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning (Vyšehradská 51, Prague). The debate will be moderated by Petr Dub, Artist.