Every year, we organize dozens of different events across the Czech Republic, through which we regularly open the most interesting and pressing social issues. We combine leading policies with experts from around the world, representatives of the most successful companies and professional public. We give to discussions a new dimension and bring innovative solutions. So, we hope to see you soon, check out our events that we're preparing.

Photo Gallery

The conference opens up a dialogue about the key points of a digital economy between the public and private sectors. The attitude of the public institutions towards digitization is often criticized by the EU and it is perceived as our biggest weakness. The aim of this conference is to identify the main issues and find solutions for concrete questions:

  • What can be done by the public institutions in order to be more effective and meet the needs of citizens?
  • Where must the state intervene in order to enable further development of a digital economy?
  • Where and how does the state prevent the development of a digital economy?

PROGRAM (download here)

Get to the conference with Uber. Enter the code DIGI Czech and earn 400 CZK for 2 free rides.

12:30 – 13:00  REGISTRATION

13:00 – 13:05  WELCOME  SPEECH, Jan Macháček, Institute for Politics and Society

13:05 – 14:05 KEYNOTE  SPEAKERS

Anna Piperal – E-government, Estonia

Pavel Kysilka – Former Executional Governor in the Czech National Bank, Czech Republic

Dita Charanzová – Member of European Parliament, Czech Republic

Jaromír Novák – Chairman of Czech Telecommunication Agency, Czech Republic

14:05 – 15:00  INNOVATIONS

Ivan Pilný – Member of Parliament, Czech Republic

Ladislav Dvořák – Strategic Projects Manager for Česká Spořitelna, Czech Republic

Pavel Šiška – Managing Partner for Deloitte, Czech Republic

Filip Dřímalka – CEO EF1, Czech Republic

Ondřej Malý – Member of the Council of Czech Telecommunication Agency, Czech Republic

15:00 – 15:30  COFFEE BREAK


15:30  – 16:30  DIGITAL BANKING AND FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY (panel is held in Czech without translation)

Filip Zeman – Manager of Digital Sales for Česká Spořitelna, Czech Republic

Lenka Jurošková – Deputy to the Minister of Finance, Czech Republic

František Jungr – Region Senior Business Development Manager (CEE), Visa, Czech Republic

Jana Brodani (Michalíková) – CEO for AKAT, Czech Republic

Jakub Lelek – Senior Trade & Investment Advisor at the British Embassy in Prague, United Kingdom


15:30  – 16:30 EDUCATION 4.0

Bernard Bauer – Director of ČNOPK, Germany

Miroslava Kopicová – Former Minister of Education, Czech Republic

Rút Bizková — Chairman of TAČR, Czech Republic

Ondřej Neumajer – ICT to Education, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

Vladimír Mařík – Director of Czech Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics Institute and Chairman of the Research Council in Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic


16:40  – 17:40 CYBER SECURITY (panel is held in Czech without translation)

Pavel Baudiš – Co-founder of Avast, Czech Republic

Jaroslav Šmíd – Deputy of National Security Authority, Czech Republic

Jaroslav Strouhal – Deputy of the Minister of the Interior for Management Section of Information and Communication Technologies, Czech Republic

Tomáš Přibyl, Chief Executive Officer, CYBERGYM EUROPE, Czech Republic


16:40  – 17:40 SMART CITIES

Adriana Krnáčová – Mayor of Prague, Czech Republic

Hans Lindeman – Senior Vice President, Hitachi Social Innovation Business, Denmark

Patrik Jalamudis – Business Development Manager of the Czech Telecommunication Agency, Czech Republic

Lokman Kuris – General Manager of Uber, Czech Republic and Slovakia

Tomáš Krátký – Director of Smart City Point, Czech Republic

After the discussion, participants are invited to stay for refreshments and informal discussion.



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