Few years ago at the height of the Eurozone crises and Greek crises everyone spoke about north-south EU divide. Prudent savings oriented responsible nature of the north against supposedly lax and irresponsible nature of the south. Now we face a new EU divide, with migration and security crises. People speak about compassionate western Europe and blame the East for cynicism, lack of solidarity and compassion. Some people are afraid of the breakup of EU.
The debate will be moderated by dr. Anna Matušková, Analyst of the Institute for Politics and Society.
Martina Dlabajová, Member of European Parliament, Czech Republic
Pavel Svoboda, Member of European Parliament, Czech Republic
Anne Dastakian, Editor of French magazine Marianne, France
Ivan Hodáč, vice president of The ASPEN Institute
Jan Macháček, Chairman of Institute for Politics and Society, Czech republic
The debate will be held on 16th February from 7:00 pm at Prague House, Avenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. The event is held under the auspices of the Prague House in Brussels.
Please, register by sending an email to praguehouse@praha.eu.