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Delegation of Prague to the EU and the Institute for Politics and Society have the honor to invite you to the debate "Life after Brexit: A new way forward for the EU". The event is organised with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are liable for it.

There are multiple challenges for Europe and the European Union. The Brexit added another challenge of cohesion in the EU and future European integration. There is a threat of several other “exits” and distrust in the European Union project. The absence of Britain might jeopardize the functioning of key areas of the EU, even though, if Britain could stay in a closer relationship with the Union following the example of Norway or Switzerland.

Is it even possible? May Britain be a center of financial services in the Eurozone, while it is not itself a member? Could Britain be a part of a single market? Will there be created a multi-speed Europe in terms of integration? What position will serve the Czech Republic and Poland? What is the future of the Eurozone in light of these facts?

Welcome speech:

Susanne Hartig, Executive Director, European Liberal Forum

Confirmed speakers:

Theresa Griffin, Member of the European Parliament, United Kingdom

Thomas Spiller, President of the British Chamber of Commerce, Belgium

Pavel Telička, Member of the European Parliament, Czech Republic

Luděk Niedermayer, Member of the European Parliament, Czech Republic

Ivan Hodáč, President of the Aspen Institute, Czech Republic

The debate will be moderated by Jan Macháček, Chairman of the Institute for Politics and Society. The debate will be held on 16th November from 7:30 p.m. at Prague House, Avenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. The event is held under the auspices of the Prague House in Brussels.

The European Liberal Forum issued a policy paper Closing the Ranks – The EU’s approach to the Brexit negotiations.
