Institute for Politics and Society invites to an online debate "Post-COVID economic recovery strategies in the V4 countries" which will be held on December 17, 2021.

The Covid-19 global pandemic had severely affected the societies, economies and healthcare systems around the World and there is no end in sight for the virus. The most important thing now is to share know-how and good practices between the countries and help each other during this hardship. This online debate will concentrate on the economic recovery strategies of the V4 countries.

The speakers will introduce how do the National Recovery and Resilience Plans in each country respond to the problems caused by the epidemic and how do they relate to the crisis management measures introduced by the governments. They will talk about the trends that were induced by the pandemic regarding the economy and assess which of them will be also experienced in the long run. The future foresights and the impacts on the market economies of the countries will also be observed during the debate. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Balázs Szepesi, Head of the School of Economics and the Business Research Centre at Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Founder of the Hétfa Research Institute, Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development (2018-2020) 
  • Lukáš Kovanda, Chief Economist at Trinity Bank, member of National Economic Council of the Czech Government, Senior Socio-Economic Analyst at the United Nations (UNDP), Lecturer at the University of Economics in Prague, Member of the Scientific Board of the Czech Banking Association
  • Tomasz Kasprowicz, Managing Partner at Gemini sc, Vice President at Res Publica Nowa, Editor at Liberté! Independent lecturer and trainer in finance, economics, statistics, econometrics and applied mathematics
  • Alexej Dobrolubov, Economic Advisor of the Vice-chairman of the Slovak National Council

Moderated by Blanka Kovács from the Institute for Politics and Society.

The debate will be conducted in English and will take place on 17th December 2021, from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. It will be live-streamed on the Facebook page of the Institut for Politics and Society.