The election to the National Council of the Slovak Republic is approaching. On that account, we organized a pre-election debate with the candidates in Prague. Asking why Prague? The Slovak parliamentary election is an event of great importance not only for the Slovaks at home but also for those who study or work in Prague – and that number is not negligible.
Jaroslav Naď, candidate, Obyčajní ľudia a nezávislé osobnosti
Juraj Šelinga, candidate, Za ľudí
Zora Jaurová, candidate, Progresívne Slovensko/ Spolu
Roman Foltin, candidate, Sloboda a Solidarita
Moderator of the debate is Tomáš Dvorský, political scientist, Department of Political Science, Philosophical Faculty, Pavel Jozef Šafářik University Košice.
The debate will be held on the 18th of February 2020, from 17:00-19:00 in Prague. More information concerning the place and further speakers will be provided shortly.