Every year, we organize dozens of different events across the Czech Republic, through which we regularly open the most interesting and pressing social issues. We combine leading policies with experts from around the world, representatives of the most successful companies and professional public. We give to discussions a new dimension and bring innovative solutions. So, we hope to see you soon, check out our events that we're preparing.

Institute for Politics and Society invites you to a debate Russian assertivenness at the borders. Threat for democratic systems in Central European Countries.

Especially since 2014, when the Crimea was annexed and the conflict in Ukraine started, there has been a significant change in Russia’s behaviour in the international scene. Russia is strengthening its activities against countries considered to be hostile. Russian operation, massive propaganda, and disinformation are one of the challenges for still relatively young Central European democracies.


Tinatin Khidasheli, Former Minister of Defense of Georgia

Jaroslav Bžoch, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Greta Monika Tučkutė, Advisor to the Minister of National Defence, Republic of Lithuania

Andrey Pivovarov, Chairman of the Open Russia movement

Jan Šír, Department of Russian and East-European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague

Jonáš Syrovátka, Coordinator of project Czech election in the era of disinformation, Prague Security Studies Institute, Czech Republic


Ondřej Soukup, journalist, Economic Newspaper (Hospodářské noviny), Czech Republic

Working language is English.

The debate will be held on 9th October 2018 at 5pm in Residence Ostrovní, Ostrovní 222/8, 110 00 Prague 1.

This event is part of the Festival of Democracy,
associated program of the Forum 2000 Conference.