Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the far right and the populist radical right in the V4 region
Political Capital: With the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Political Capital implemented a project called ’Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the far right and the populist radical right in the V4 region’ in 2020. The aim was to investigate the narratives around COVID-19 and their impact on the political discourse in the Visegrad Group countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). With the help of our national partners, the Institute for Politics and Society from the Czech Republic, the Institute of Social Safety from Poland and the Institute for Public Affairs from Slovakia, we executed the research during the first wave of the pandemic, from March to August 2020. The investigation focused on three aspects: national circumstances, main narratives and policy initiatives. The examined actors were populist radical right and far-right actors, which meant more specifically, in some cases, both governmental and fringe actors. The used sources were written and oral statements, announcements and speeches of the examined actors, such as mainstream, populist, anti-democratic and far-right parties, politicians and opinion leaders (e.g., relevant public figures, pundits).
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