As a bachelor student of international relations I decided to complete an internship at the Institute for Politics and Society in Prague. Working in this think-tank was a great experience which helped me to understand how a think-tank works and to gain new skills in every way. Mainly I worked with CEO, Šárka Prát. Working by her side was a great opportunity which provided me with the chance to be in the heart of everything and her kind personality was just a nice benefit.
Whilst interning at the Institute I contributed to the organization of events, this helped me to extend my organization skills and I also was able to learn how to work with websites with which I had no previous experience.
This internship is also a great opportunity for anybody who likes writing. I was given the opportunity to write an analysis about the migration of Russian citizens, this helped me to improve my writting skills and also improved my skills in searching sources and literature. This was really beneficial to me as I will soon be writing my bachelor thesis.
If you can, make sure that you contribute not only in preparations, but also praticipate actively on debates as these settings provide the opportunity to gain new contacts. If you have the opportunity to go to a business breakfast, then do not miss it. When you go, you will understand why I advise you to attend this event.
Due to the fact that during the internship there are also students from english-speaking countries, it is necessary to speak and write in english. If this may discourge you, do not worry. You will improve your english, written and spoken! Native speakers will always help you with translations and perssonally, I greatly welcomed the opportunity to improve my everyday as well as academic english.
The whole team at the Institute, from interns to employees are great, helpful and always friendly. Also, speakers and guests of the institute have no problem talking with interns and will happily discuss topics that you are interested in.
Overall, my time at the Institute for Politics and Society was a great experience, mainly nowadays, internships and experiences are necessary for your future career. This internship at the Institute gives you the opportunity to engage in work as part of an analytical and project team. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the Institute for two beautiful months.